Harnessing the power of light
LUMA is a dedicated lighting design service within PAE. We have direct access to experts in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, technology design, and building performance analysis. When more than lighting design is needed, we offer holistic, customizable, cross-discipline teams. This intimate collaboration of light, air, water, and information keeps us relevant and successful as we design some of the most sustainable buildings in the world, nationally and internationally.
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Light is dynamic, ephemeral, mysterious, and beguiling.

Shaping and controlling light to provide positive, humanistic experiences in architecture has been at the core of our design practice since our founding in 2001. From simple daylit structures to highly integrated and interactive electric lighting and control systems, our designers employ design strategies and technologies that fit the unique requirements of each client. From concept to execution, our design process is highly collaborative, inherently sustainable, and more than a little fun.

LUMA team
We make LUMA shine
Brock Soderberg
Associate Principal
Sara Nonaka
Senior Associate
Colleen Peach
Senior Associate
Tim Huth
Senior Associate
Erik Campbell
John Cumiskey
Michal LaRue
Senior Lighting Designer
Haley Laurence
Senior Lighting Designer
Anna Winn
Lighting Designer
Isa Lichtenberg
Lighting Designer
Miranda Waldron
Lighting Designer
Kenzie Pike
Lighting Designer
Weisheng Zhong
Lighting Designer
Kyra Semone
Lighting Designer
Thu Nguyen
Lighting Designer